Board Development: Building the Nonprofit Dream Team

One of the most difficult issues faced by many nonprofits is establishing strong, effective board leadership that lasts. With strategy, intentionality, and a strong pitch, you can begin assembling your nonprofit dream team. During this half-day session, we will explore the role of the board along with tactics for effective recruitment, teambuilding, and strengthening the board-staff partnership.

Date: 4/9/2025

Start Time: 9:00 AM CT

End Time: 12:00 PM CT

CNM Fort Worth
Westbend One
1701 River Run, Suite 1002
Fort Worth, TX 76107

Cost: $125 Early Bird Members / $150 Members / $200 Non-members

Slippery Slope or Solid Ground: Boundaries, Dual Relationships & Ethical Dilemmas Thursday, 2/20/25  | 1


Presented by CNM