Strategic Planning For Nonprofits

Most of us understand the importance of having a clear and compelling strategic Vision. Unfortunately, leaders also have had overwhelmingly negative experiences in developing them. The work effort takes a considerable amount of time and costs a considerable amount, and not just financially but also mentally and emotionally. There is far too much emphasis on creating the perfect plan. Leaders buy into a fallacy that the perfect plan will solve many of the problems they are facing and then end up let down when it doesn’t come true. There’s a better way. It starts with clarifying organizational identity, and then building a vision that appreciates the most important organizational beliefs, values and convictions. It results in a lean plan that is both easy to onboard people to AND easy to adjust to in the ever-changing dynamic world we live in. It also includes adopting systems that promote short-term goals, learning loops and agile adjustments. In this session Shaun Lee will teach leaders to create a lean strategic plan and then how to ensure progress is made towards it through the adoption of the 6 Levers Framework. 

Date: 3/5/2024

Start Time: 9:00 AM CT

End Time: 12:30 PM CT

San Antonio Area Foundation
155 Concord Plaza Drive, Suite 301
San Antonio, TX 78216

Audience: Nonprofit Management Program participants, executives, nonprofit professionals, and new managers. 


  • Strategic Planning

Cost: $80

Strategic Planning for Nonprofits